z12uinxwaoi5en4cr23evt15kkerubq5c04 [Virialsatz] Virialsatz 117292786997707803818 04.11.2015 06.11.2015 Google+ Öffentlich Permalink An early magnetically stabilized Hydrogenplasma from 1961 The discharge vessel was called Eieruhr, ... *An early magnetically stabilized Hydrogenplasma from 1961* The discharge vessel was called Eieruhr, that is egg-timer, because of its shape. Quantum numbers of the Balmer spectrum are shown at the blue plasma bunching, sufficient line broadening, a series limit, and linemerging at number n=20. The magnet wires are thick with the current strength and actually watercooled! A photo is taken during discharge. (Holding the sun in your hand. Be careful: Three researchers once got a painful sun burn on the cornea.) We are surprised by the precision with which the numbers can be counted. https:// de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balmer-Serie The article is  here: http:// zfn.mpdl.mpg.de/xtf/data/Reihe_A/16/ZNA-1961-16a-0972.pdf The later (sixties) apparatus certainly is more elegant and technically advanced engineered. We found no photos yet. The photos are licensed: http://creativecommons.org/ licenses/by-nd/3.0/ and from the abovementioned article of H. Schlüter. His *Abstract*: With an rf-discharge an extremely clean BALMER-spectrum is obtained having a line-melting at the principal quantum number 20. Electron temperature, gas temperature, and electron density are determined. The ionization- recombination-balance is considered with a modified form of the Corona- ionization-formula. H epsilon is a violet line coming from the transition of an electron from the 7th shell to the second. An early magnetically stabilized Hydrogenplasma from 1961 The discharge vessel was called Eieruhr, that is egg-timer, because of its shape. Quantum numbers of the Balmer spectrum are shown at the blue plasma bunching, sufficient line broadening, a series limit, and linemerging at number n=20. The magnet wires are thick with the current strength and actually watercooled! A photo is taken during discharge. (Holding the sun in your hand. Be careful: Three researchers once got a painful sun burn on the cornea.) We are surprised by the precision with which the numbers can be counted. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balmer-Serie The article is  here: http://zfn.mpdl.mpg.de/xtf/data/Reihe_A/16/ZNA-1961-16a-0972.pdf The later (sixties) apparatus certainly is more elegant and technically advanced engineered. We found no photos yet. The photos are licensed: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/3.0/ and from the abovementioned article of H. Schlüter. His Abstract: With an rf-discharge an extremely clean BALMER-spectrum is obtained having a line-melting at the principal quantum number 20. Electron temperature, gas temperature, and electron density are determined. The ionization-recombination-balance is considered with a modified form of the Corona-ionization-formula. H epsilon is a violet line coming from the transition of an electron from the 7th shell to the second. album 2015-11-04 ‎